Explore our largest and richest research report yet, celebrating the 10th birthday of Kubernetes.
The State of Production Kubernetes research is based on an independent survey of 416 enterprise Kubernetes decision-makers and practitioners, backed by trending insights from years of prior surveys.
Fill in the form to the right to access your copy, and answer questions like:
- What does a typical enterprise Kubernetes deployment look like today — and will it continue to grow?
- Have the well-known challenges of Kubernetes (complexity, security, skills gaps) actually slowed its momentum with businesses?
- Is AI more than just a buzzword to Kubernetes operations teams? Why is edge AI so hot?
- How widespread is platform engineering really — and does it have any effect on business outcomes?
- Are enterprises taking cost optimization seriously? Has finops gone mainstream?
- Is the breadth and dynamism of the CNCF landscape a help or hindrance for enterprise users — and will it continue?
- How are enterprises reacting to Broadcom’s handling of the VMware acquisition?